The stories shared here were created through a collaboration between non-profit organizations Art of the Rural and Engage Winona, and they represent the beginning of a partnership to support local storytelling, creative projects, and cultural exchange in Winona, Minnesota, a town located along the Mississippi River in Dakota Homelands. With these values, this work is an extension of Public Launch, a community collaborative space operated by these two organizations from 2016-2020.
We are grateful to the creators and leaders who shared their work:
Gloria Alatorre
Angela Boozhoo
Amber Buysman
Father Paul Breza
Nicky Buck
Dr. Maurella Cunningham
Alexis Hayes
Nicki Hennessy
Chalymar Martinez
LaShara Morgan
Mike Munson
Alma Onate
Kathy Sublett
Paul Kisho Stern
La Vonte Thompson
Jerome Christenson
Brianne Daniels
Mary Farrell
Sarah Johnson
Chuck Miller
Jerome Christenson
Tesla Mitchell
Marcia Ratliff
Joy Davis Ripley
Lydia Velishek
Matt Wagner
Cloey Jo Walsh
Mai’a Williams
This activity is made possible by voters of Minnesota through grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Through long-term support and storytelling, Spillway works to create the conditions for collaborations that honor diverse lived experience, deepen regional relationships, and build networks of knowledge-sharing and exchange.
Through this process, Spillway seeks to create opportunities for artists, culture-bearers, and organizations to thrive and to connect with new colleagues and audiences. We believe such relationships, cultivated over time, increase the quality of life and cultural wealth of our communities – and amplify the possibilities for both greater equity and economic opportunity.
Spillway is organized by Art of the Rural, with additional community collaborations with the Honoring Dakota Project, the Winona County Historical Society, Engage Winona, and The Cedar Tree Project.
Art of the Rural is grateful for support for Spillway from the Chicago Community Foundation, McKnight Foundation, and Minnesota State Arts Board.
Find a digital copy of the 2024 print publication on Issuu.Through long-term support and storytelling, Spillway works to create the conditions for collaborations that honor diverse lived experience, deepen regional relationships, and build networks of knowledge-sharing and exchange.
Through this process, Spillway seeks to create opportunities for artists, culture-bearers, and organizations to thrive and to connect with new colleagues and audiences. We believe such relationships, cultivated over time, increase the quality of life and cultural wealth of our communities – and amplify the possibilities for both greater equity and economic opportunity.
Spillway is organized by Art of the Rural, with additional community collaborations with the Honoring Dakota Project, the Winona County Historical Society, Engage Winona, and The Cedar Tree Project.
Art of the Rural is grateful for support for Spillway from the Chicago Community Foundation, McKnight Foundation, and Minnesota State Arts Board.
The stories shared here were produced through a collaboration between Art of the Rural and Engage Winona.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.